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People2.0 Blog

Are You Ready for the New Victoria Labour Hire Licensing Scheme?

A new mandatory labour hire licensing scheme will soon apply to all labour hire providers operating in Victoria. The scheme comes into effect on 29th April 2019 with an enforcement date of 29th October 2019. Understanding how this legislation affects your business is important not only for Victorian labour hire providers, but also for labour hire users who have any workers operating in Victoria. So what do you need to do? Read on to learn the features and expectations of the new legislation and how you can remain compliant as either a provider or a user.

Migration News: Skilled Occupation List Changes

On 11th March 2019, the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) released a number of additions and changes to its Skilled Occupation list line up. It’s a welcome announcement for skilled professionals hoping to secure an Australian visa, opening up some entirely new avenues and expanding on others.

Essential Strategy to Reign Supreme in the Talent Crunch

Reflecting on your client experiences over the past couple of years, it probably comes as no surprise that in 2017, “three-quarters of Australia’s CEOs were worried about the availability of key skills in the wake of technological change and automation.” 2 years on, and recruiters are still coming to grips with the unfolding skills gap and what it means for the talent ecosystem.

Get a Tax Break with Novated Car Leasing for Independent Professionals

If you’re an independent professional who is planning to buy a car or at least contemplating it, then you ought to consider Novated Leasing. Why? Well, it’s an easy, cost effective way to pay for your car and allows you to reduce your income tax and GST. Whether you choose to purchase a brand new car, a used car or even salary sacrifice your existing vehicle, novated leasing allows payments to be taken from pre-tax salary deductions.

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