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People2.0 Blog

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Are You Undervetting Your Independent Contractors?

As we move into a new year and administration, we’re all in goal-making mode. Sure, our most immediate resolutions are to keep safe and pay our bills during this time. After those pressing goals, if you’re like me, maybe you have a goal to eat movie popcorn in a Cineplex while watching the latest big-budget […]

22 new Occupations added to the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List in Australia (PMSOL)

Last week came a much-anticipated change to Australian migration, which has been heavily impacted by Covid-19. The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of a range of skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL). This is a great opportunity for skilled immigrants who are seeking to move to, or continue work in, Australia.

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